In position 1 when the switch is down or on com and l1 are connected together just like the one way switchin position 2 when the switch is up or off com and l2 are connected together. You dont see these as much now days as many manufactures only make 2 gang 2 way light switches that serve the same purpose you just dont use the third l2 terminal on each gang however i thought we would include it just in case you come across one.

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2 gang switch wiring diagram uk. I want to change the switch to a 2 gang so that the lights can be turned on seperately. Uk domestic lighting circuits. Tagalog 2bulb controll by 2 gang switch duration. I know this has been posted before but i am struggling with the wiring on a 2 way 2 gang light switch and its driving me nuts. 2 gang switch wiring actual and schematic diagram. This is very useful in a number places particularly hallways and stairs.
The electrical system consists of the line from the pole a meter where electrical usage is tallied a main circuit breaker panel sometimes called load centers and in older homes fuse. I want to replace the current 2 way switch and have the usual two power cables going into the switch one with a black wire and a red wire the other cable with three wires. Wiring a two way switch. The existing switch has a single cable where the neutral wire has brown sleeve over it and there is 1 single red wire and earth. Anyway i buy a double 2 way switch to replace it picture below anyway i take off the. Two way switching allows you to control a light from two locations.
A two way switch has 3 terminals. I have 2 lights operating on 1 switch. We have a double switch for our bathroom that controls the extractor fan left switch of 2 and the bathroom lights right switch of 2. Each of the gangs or switches above in fig 2 of which there are two work like this fig 3. To switch from two locations youll need 2 two way switches and wire them together in a particular way. Yellow blue and red.
A commonc l1 and l2. We need to replace it as its bust basically. House dr tutorial 62966 views.