4 switch 2 socket 1fuse 1indiceter 1 regulator board connection part 10. Wiring tricks 5311 views.

Multiway Switching Wikipedia
2 switch 2 socket wiring connection. And when the switch is on only the tab at the bottom of the socket is hot but if the wiring is reversed and the power goes to the threaded socket the threaded socket is always hot whether the switch is on or off. This makes for a safe protected circuit by having all grounds intact. Making onoff light from two end is more comfortable when we consider stair case two way light control is simple and easy to construct. In this article simple two way light switch connection described with neat circuit diagram and wiring details. On each of the two single pole switches install a hot wire pigtail and a ground wire pigtail that will be used to attach the switches to the wires from the feed cable. The green screw on the 2 way switch is for the ground so all ground wires should be connected as seen below.
A 2 way switching connection means you can control an electrical equipment like bulb by two switches placed at different places generally used in the staircase. Strip about 34 inch of insulation from one end of each black wire. So what have we accomplished. Two way switch can be operated from any of the switch independently means whatever be the position of other switch onoff you can control the light with other switch. 1 switch 3 socket electric board connection explain in hindi urdu adeel akbar wiring tricks duration. 2 switch 2 socket connection an electric wiring how to make an electric extension board by home make by dulal editing by suprabhat easy method for understanding this connection.
Share on tumblr 2 way light switches are helpful to turn on or turn off light from different end locations. Cut two lengths of black wire and two lengths of bare copper wire about 6 inches long. So when the switch is off all hot parts of the lamp are well protected. The threaded socket is the neutral. All ground wires bare copper are all now connected incoming ground load ground and switch ground. 2 switch 2 socket connetion board wiring dk tech dktech 2socket 2switchconnetion.
3 socket 2 switch board wiring connection sinha electricals duration.