Otherwise continue with the am2 exam guide. A two way switch can also be wired in such a way that it can be used as a one way switch mostly the price difference is negligible.

4 Way Switches Electrical 101
2 way intermediate switch wiring. This method is commonly used now days as it is efficient than the two wire control system. Follow this link if you are looking for a comprehensive step by step guide on two way and intermediate lighting circuit wiring. Four way switch wiring instructions inside the switch packaging it is possible to bring all of the wiring into the ceiling light electrical box and wire your 3 ways and 4 ways from there. This page shows it wired in the old cable colours if your house has the new colours you want to go here. This allows a single light to be turned on or off from any of the switches. Here we have a 3 way switching lighting circuit sometimes called two way switching with intermediate.
Intermediate switches can be used for 1 and 2 way switching. Where 0 represents the off condition and 1 represents the on condition. It can get crowded with so many wires in the ceiling box so you must use a larger size electrical box to be code compliant. The diagram shows the common method of wiring an intermediate switch into a two way light switch circuit. As a part of the am2 exam you will have to wire up a 2 way and intermediate lighting circuit with one light. There is more than one way to do this depending of the type of cable available and on the installation requirements.
The four terminals of intermediate switch construction and its operation are shown in fig below. In an intermediate switch there are four terminals by which it changes the flowing of electric current from one circuit to another see fig 1 2 and also known as three way switchit has the ability to on and off the electric supply by two ways. Often people order an intermediate switch to do the job of a two way switch although it will work it may be far more expensive to purchase an intermediate switch instead of a two way switch. Construction working of intermediate switch. If replacing an existing switch note the location of the terminals and the colour and position of cable connections. How to connect 2 way switch wiring using three wire control.
This is the new method to make a 2 way switching connection as it is slightly different from the two wire control method.