Connect the line brown wire coming from the light together with the 3 coreearth cable black wire in to the l1 terminal of the two way switch. 3 way switch wiring diagram.

Wiring A 3 Way On On On Mini Toggle Switch To Act As A 3 Way
3 way switch diagram uk. In position 1 when the switch is down or on com and l1 are connected together just like the one way switchin position 2 when the switch is up or off com and l2 are connected together. This 3 way switch wiring diagram shows how to wire the switches and the light when the power is coming to the light switch. Uk so this fig 2 is what we call an intermediate switch so called because it is used in between two x 2 way switches to achieve 3 way switching clarified below under multiway switching. Uk two way switch wiring diagram. Way in switch gang in switch and sp dp pole difference in electrical switches. Regardless of what 3 way switch wiring diagram youre following youll need to use a 3 wire cable to connect the two 3 way light switches.
The two hot wires of three wire cable connect to a pair of brass colored traveler terminals on each switch. Three way switching schematic wiring diagram the circuit consists of a two way switch at each end top and bottom switches in fig 2 and an intermediate switch in the middle. Two way switches and three way switches operate the same way and have the same connection points they just have different names in the uk which are common l1 and l2. All three switches are connected together by a three core and earth control cable. This might seem intimidating but it does not have to be. By rule of thumb you would stick with 8 to 10 outlets and or lights per breaker.
Well nec code does not have it listed that way. Pick the diagram that is most like the scenario you are in and see if you can wire your switch. Take a closer look at a 3 way switch wiring diagram. In this diagram the incoming hot wire attaches to the first switchs common dark colored terminal. 3 gang 2 way light switch wiring diagram uk. In the united kingdom some electricians use an alternative method for wiring two way switches as depicted in the above wiring diagram.
This electrical wiring diagram shows power into light switch box 1 wire to light from switch box 1 and from switch box 1 to three way light switch box 2. Wiring diagram for a 3 way switch one of the many wiring diagrams showing different methods of wiring a three way switch circuit. This cable consists of three cores brown grey and black which are all line colours and an earth wire. Now this is of course they are 120 volts 60mhz usa or canada. So what you should see if you have correct 3 wire electrical cable romex is a black power white neutral and now a 3rd red wire. If you are describing this switch to an electrician or electrical supplier you should refer to it as a 1 gang intermediate light switch.
Sometimes called a crossover switch for obvious reasons. Wiring a three way switch happens with the use of the 3 coreearth cable. With these diagrams below it will take the guess work out of wiring. This is the 3 wire cable which you must have to wire a 3 way.