Cool stuff guys like 31449 views. Yellow wire is live wirehot wire.

Fasco Type U62b1 Wiring Diagram Online Wiring Diagram
4 speed furnace blower motor wiring diagram. Word of advice tv 350464 views. Video demonstrating the standard wiring for the primary blower motor found in most furnaces and air handlers in residential hvac. Blue wire is medium. The wiring on the new motor is as follows. Using the wiring diagram for the unit that holds the blower motor it will be possible to identify the fan relay as well as the various speed terminals and terminal locations if the motor is multi speed. Click on the image to enlarge and then save it to your computer by right clicking on the image.
If the blower is using a multi speed motor the settings will be labeled as high medium and low. Collection of blower motor wiring diagram. Blower motor wiring diagram wiring table fan save wiring diagram 3 speed blower motor valid table fan wiring diagram. Hope this helps a few folks out. Furnaceac blower motor replacement duration. Previously my dearest dearest had connected the new motor yellow common to the old motor yellows connection spot which was medium low speed had not replaced the capacitor from a 75 for the old motor down to a 50 as required for the new motor and had left the orange common wire from down below attached to the capacitor.
Red wire is low speed. I have connected the yellow motor wire to the white furnacehouse wire. Black wire is high speed. Wiring a 3 speed blower motor duration. The capacitor wires are brown and are connected.