Bell bstl 801 with a fail safe lock wiring diagrams. Bell 61 speech unit for bell door entry systems the bell 61 unit provides two way speech and has an individual volume control for both microphone and speaker.

Phone Bell Wiring Diagram Last Ned Wiring Diagram
Bell model 61 speech unit wiring diagram. The bell system model 61 speech unit can be fitted to all current bstl audio kits. It is installed in all bell system audio panels up to ten buttons. Bell bsp wiring diagram. Additional power cores can be used for longer runs. This universal product can be powered from either 12v ac or 12v dc depending on the model of telephone used. Flats electricalcupboard doorpanel pd 043issue4 first phone z i r o t second phone z i r o t lockrelease t o r h c 5161 speech unit.
Spa panel spares using the 61 speech unit. 500d 500pd second phone system door panel first phone electrical cupboard speech unit 5161 m340 power supply 1344 ts2000 time clock 203 204 more diagrams can be lock release. Our resource centre has all our product information including wiring diagrams and operating manuals for both current and and all our systems over the past 20 years as handy pdf downloads or on a usb stick on application. Page 1 wiring diagram for dc door entry systems 500d flats telephone models. Flatoffice electrical cupboard door panel pd 151 issue 1 801 phone z i r o t fail secure 203 lock release optional t o r h c 61 speech unit wiring diagram for 1 way audio door entry systems. Bell bstl 801 cabling for dc systems upto 10 way.
The speech unit can be powered by either 12v ac or 12v dc depending on which telephone model is used. Wiring diagram for ac door entry systems upto 10 telephones to additional telephones telephone models. High quality two way speech. Master extension extension extension 1 cat 5 extension videop hones must be daisy chain. Spa panel spares using the 51 speech unit. This includes the spa bellini combined door entry and coded access as well as the vandal resistant series.
Bstl 61 speech unit model 61. 801 801p bois 801 ps 500a 500pa door panel 5161 s peech unit name lamp optional trades button optional 1 flats second phone f i phone electrical cupboard 212 power supply co no nc 56 gsj ts2000 time clock o lock release. The bstl 61 speech unit provides two way speech complete with volume control for speaker and microphone and can be powered with either 12v ac or dc depending on which telephone is being used. Diagram e extension videophone wiring issimo bell 1 way video entry system diagram e extension videophone wiring see tables in text for maximum cable runs and cable cross sections. Bell bstl 902 10 vrk2 10 bl2 12 multi way systems pd 042 iss 5 bell bstl 901 vrk1 bl1 1 way systems pd 151 iss1 bell bstl 2 panel 1 entrance ac wiring with 59s pd 138 iss 1 bell bstl 500pd cabling. Bellini bl panel spares pdf to.