Free repair help household appliances tumble dryers defy auto dry tumble dryer wiring diagram requiredsource. Defy tumble dryer dtd252 wiring diagram.

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Defy tumble dryer wiring diagram. The motor the wires and the plug was salvaged from a clothes dryer tumble dryer and you can view the details on how to salvage this and other items from my other instructable on that. Defy autodry manuals manuals and user guides for defy autodry. Hi i have managed to mix some reds and blacks and all that up for some obscure reason. Could someone please supply me with a wiring diagram for the dtd252. How to mend anything. Jun 20 2012 0908 am.
Disconnect dry and in the back of dryer in top left hand corner is your diagram looking from back of dryer just remove the 6 screws from the top panel at the back of the dryer good luck tim. Defy autodry wiring diagram. We have 3 defy autodry manuals available for free pdf download. Kindest regards tkrussell posts. Free repair help household appliances tumble dryers wiring diagram defy d252 tumble dryer. Defy dryer motor wiring fix iv had same thing you have 3 wires going too the motor the red with black strip which is neutral goes to the white wire on motor the other two wires which are joined.
Product catalog owners manual. The plug that i salvaged has 3 wires live neutral and earth brown blue greenyellow.