A dimmer switch can be either a rotary or a sliding switch that lets you adjust the intensity of a light. I have an existing light switch and i want to add a second switch for a new light that will be operated separately.

Switches How To Wire A Light Switch
Electric light switch diagram. The source is at sw1 and 2 wire cable runs from there to the fixtures. With alternate light switch wiring an nm cable supplies line voltage from the electrical panel to a light fixture outlet box. This connection is very simple connection and most used in electrical house wiring. Both are wired the same way. Another nm cable connects from the light fixture box to the switch box. In the diagram below right a 2 wire nm cable that connects the light fixture to the switch carries 2 line wires one line and one switched line.
The hot and neutral terminals on each fixture are spliced with a pigtail to the circuit wires which then continue on to the next light. What a great way to enjoy softer light and a reduced energy bill. This diagram illustrates wiring for one switch to control 2 or more lights. Turn the power off at circuit breaker. This connection can be done by one way switch a light bulb socket light bulb and electric wires. Light switch wiring diagram.
The power comes into the switch which operates a single light at the end of the circuit. Basic 3 way switch diagram how to wire 3 way light switch step by step. Multiple light wiring diagram. The first step in any electrical project is to make sure there is no power going to the circuit you plan to be working on. More about how to wire a 3way dimmer switch. Wiring light switch is first step which learn by a electrician or electrical student.
3 way dimmer switch diagram. How is the wiring for a new light switch and fixture added to an existing switch.