The rounded head of the femur continue scrolling to read more below. Each hip is a ball and socket joint.

Hip Joint Anatomy Pictures And Information
Hip socket diagram. The femur has a ball shaped head on its end that fits into a socket formed in the pelvis called the acetabulum. The bones together make up the hip. A round cup shaped structure on the os coxa known as the acetabulum forms the socket for the hip joint. The hip joint is a ball and socket synovial joint formed between the os coxa hip bone and the femur. It is the largest ball and socket joint in your body. Large ligaments tendons and muscles around the hip joint hold the bones ball and socket in place and keep it from dislocating.
The bones of the hip include the femur the ilium the ischium and the pubis. The ball is the rounded end of the femur also called the femoral head. The pubis ischium and ilium together constitute the pelvis while the thigh bone is the femur. The hip joint is a ball and socket type joint and is formed where the thigh bone femur meets the pelvis. The socket acetabulum is in your pelvic bone. The ball is the top of your thighbone femoral head.
To understand how hip dysplasia occurs and how doctors treat it you need to know a little bit about the hip joint itself. The socket is a concave depression in the lower side of the. The hip is a ball in socket joint or an enarthrosisthe rounded head of the femur forms the ball which fits into the socket of the acetabulum. Smooth slippery tissue called cartilage lets the ball. The hip itself is a ball and socket joint much like the shoulderthe structures necessary to create this joint are the socket the joint capsule muscle ligaments and the neck.