And adding a four way switch to the mix can make an already difficult job even more confusing. This is how the circuit is structured.

How Can I Eliminate Some Of The Switches In A 4 Way Circuit
How to wire up a 4 way light switch. My old 4 way light switch broke so i bought a new switch and i am trying to connect the wires. My old switch has two on top two on bottom. Guide to wiring a 4 way switch electrical question. With a pair of 3 way switches either can make or break the connection that completes the circuit to the light. Wiring a 3 way light switch is certainly more complicated than that of the more common single pole switch but you can figure it out if you follow our 3 way switch wiring diagram. Wiring a three way switch circuit is one of the more complex electrical jobs that a homeowner can attempt.
All that is required is wiring a 4 way switch between the 2 3 way switches. The new switch has 4 terminals two on either side top and bottom. Now dont let this be confused with where the switches are physically located in your home. Study the 4 way switch and the manufacturers directions. In this basic 4 way light circuit 3 wire cable runs between all the switches and 2 wire cable runs from the last switch to the light. When the switch is operated current will either travel straight through or crisscross.
How to wire 4 way light switch and intermediate switch in this video we explain how four way intermediate switching works to connect a light fitting which is controlled with three or more light. Ok assuming you are all caught up on the 3 way concept we will continue by making a 3 way circuit into a 4 way circuit. Wiring a 4 way switch with light at the end. The electrical source is at the first 3 way switch and the hot wire connects to the common there. Wiring a 3 way light switch. A 4 way switch has 4 terminals or poles.
Two terminalpoles are labeled in and two are labeled out pairs of wires called travelers will connect to each side.