8 analog inputs voltage measuring type can be set per channel current measuring type can be set per channel measuring type resistance adjustable for channel 0 2 4 and 6. Taking the same vessel described.

4 Channel Analog Input 750 455 Wago
Plc analog input wiring diagram. Wiring a plc analog input is a bit different depending on the type of signal. Adc analog to digital converter inside plc will convert current or voltage to a digital value in the form of 16 or 12 bit word data to further. Wiring of analog inputs. Analog input card working plc ai card function how analog input card works duration. Verify that all modules are in the correct slots. The following are ten recommended procedures for io wiring.
Ai or analog input is the type of plc input which used to read the value from the sensor. Each input can be configured as a current or voltage input with internal jumpers. Another plc of the company allen bradley micrologixplc wiringsimilarly we have input terminals hereoutput terminals here. Check module type and model number by inspection and on the io wiring diagram. Analog input module ai 8xuirtdtc st 6es75317kf00 0ab0 manual 072014 a5e03484864 ac 9 properties the module has the following technical properties. Plc wiring diagrams guide include the discrete signals wiring plc digital input modules wiring plc output modules wiring and basics of plc terminations.
Remove and lock out input power from the controller and io before any plc installation and wiring begins. Ai receives value from the sensor in the form of electrical current 4 20 ma or electrical voltage 1 5 v. The uk1f e7 0a is an 18mm diameter sensor that has a pnp nonc. Before you start wiring any plc analog module i highly recommend that you not only read the manual but also know what type of signal youre dealing with. The analog input module senses up to 16 single ended or 8 differential analog inputs and converts them to a proportional four digit bcd or twelve bit binary value. You can select from five voltage or three current input ranges.
Separate power source when wiring various modules chapter 5 added advisory not to exceed the spec ific isolation voltage when using a separate power source when wiring various modules updated diagram labels for wiring the 1756 if6i module chapter 6 updated fahrenheit temperature conversion range values for cold. And again programming cable to program a plcthat is the battery. How to follow an electrical panel wiring diagram. This will include a discrete and analog input signal. We will be wiring an ultrasonic sensor into the input of our click plc. Now this battery is used to store the information.
In this tutorial i will cover wiring of the two most basic analog input signals. Plc analog signals wiring techniques plc tutorials unlike the discretedigital onoff circuit analog signals vary across a range of voltage or current. The sensing distance is 200mm to 2200mm and has a one hertz switching capacity. Selectable output with analog output of 0 10 vdc.