In today basic electrical wiring installation tutorial we will discuss step by step method of staircase wiring installation by using 2 way switches spdt single pole double through switch. Etc where the light is only required for passage or it requires only at one position at a time.

How To Connect A 2 Way Switch With Circuit Diagram
Staircase wiring experiment pdf. Sunday 16th of april 2017 011105 pm. Lamp condition switch 1 switch 2 off off off on off on off on on on on off p 10 a circuit diagram staircase wiring two way switch 2 n 1 230v 50 hz ac 60 watts lamp two way switch 1. Also the same wiring circuit diagram can be used for 2 way lighting or controlling electrical appliances from two different places by using two way switches. The connection of switches with the lamp is shown below. Sabitha jk created at. Making onoff light from two end is more comfortable when we consider stair case two way light control is simple and easy to construct.
As its name implies godown wiring it is commonly used for light switching in godowns tunnel like structures long passages. Share on tumblr 2 way light switches are helpful to turn on or turn off light from different end locations. Check my new video httpsyoutubeeqnenmswrk staircase timer staircase timer switch wiring staircase timer switch staircase timer circuit staircase timer module. In this article simple two way light switch connection described with neat circuit diagram and wiring details. One light two switches wiring. A to study various wiring components such as wires fuses plugs sockets lamp holders etc their uses and ratings.
That is to operate the load from separate positions such as above or below the staircase from inside or outside of a room or as a two way bed switch etc. The staircase wiring is completed and tested. Here one lamp is controlled by two switches from two different positions. B to study the control of two lamps from two switches looping in system c to study the staircase wiring d to study the use of megger for insulation test and continuity test of wiring installations and machines. Pdf file explaining how staircase wiring the working of staircase wiring ppt on staircase wiring electricity generation from staircase pdf ppt on staircase power generation staircase electricity generation model ppt. Staircase power generation ppt posted by.
Thread post. Godown wiring uses to operate lampsloads in a sequential manner where only one load operates at a time. This type of wiring is used in bed rooms to switch onoff the lamp from two sources at the bed side and at switchboard. This wiring is also called as staircase wiring in which a light lamp is controlled from two sources by using two two way switches. Staircase wiring is a common multi way switching or two way light switching connection. Staircase power generation ppt page link.