But there is a significant difference in the control circuit which is shown in the following image. For a star delta starter there is a possibility to place the overload protection in two positions in the line or in the windings.

Troubleshooting Three Basic Hardwired Control Circuits Used
Star delta starter control wiring pdf. 1 km1 line contactor 1 km2 star contactor 1 km3 delta contactor the hold in contacts the electrical interlocking contacts for both the star and delta contactors the space for the thermal ol relay direct mounting. This equipmentappliance reduces starting current and starting torque. The control circuit is a logic circuit to help us to interchange the motor operation from star to delta. Each starter is delivered assembled bare cabled by us and contains. In dual starter the motor is directly fed from the line and in star delta starter then motor is started initially from star and later during running from delta. Overload relay in line.
Siemens star delta starter wiring diagram pdf. Size of each part of star delta starter 1. Eaton wiring manual 0611 8 1 88 all about motors page motor protection 8 3 notes on engineering 8 15 circuit documents 8 19 power supply 8 21 control circuit supply 8 24 contactor markings 8 25 direct on line start of three phase motors 8 26 control circuit devices for direct on line start 8 34 star delta switching of three phase motors 8 35. They are consisting of push buttons two number the green color is for start no p1 and red color for stop nc p2 here no and nc terminology indicate normally open and normally closed. In the line is the same as just putting the overload before the motor as with a dol starter. Siemens sirius 3rt pdf user manuals.
For three phase motor we use the direct online starter but mostly for small three phase motor. Star delta starter or 3. In this tutorial we will show the star delta y δ 3 phase induction ac motor starting method by automatic star delta starter with timer with schematic power control and wiring diagram as well as how star delta starter works and their applications with advantages and disadvantages. Star delta starter connection control circuit. Lathes millers grinders shapers borers and other machine tool instruction operation and maintenance manuals handbooks and parts manuals. The direct on line motor starter dol consist a mccb or circuit breaker contactor and an overload relay for protection.
But high load 3 phase motor we use the star delta starter for motor. Now a days vvvf drive used extensively for speed control serves this purpose also. Size of over load relay. The wiring diagram of an automatic star delta starter is same as that of the semi automatic star delta starter. Star delta starter wiring diagram this post is about the main wiring connection of three phase motor with star delta starter and control wiring diagram of star delta starter. Automatic star delta starter design normally consists of three contactors an overload relay or circuit breaker and a timer for setting the time in the star position starting.