Social distancing is the one of the best method to escape from covid 19. There are two switches s2 and s3 for front and rear door respectively.

Smart Doorbell System
Touchless doorbell circuit diagram. The transmission enable pin pin 14 is connected to ground. But we cant avoid some emergency visits to some homes. Wiring for two doors is the same as for one with the transformer hardwired to the 120 volt source from a house circuit. A push button is connected between ad8 pin 10 and ground. Circuit diagram of automatic door bell using object detection. Design of receiver circuit.
This circuit operates using a pair of ultrasonic transmitter and receiver modules which are used to detect the person and then if the person is detected the door bell is automatically turned on when the person is in front of the door. The ic has an in built circuitry to produce ding dong sound each time its pin 3 is pulled low. I strongly recommend to stay at home. If the person is detected by the ir sensor then the doorbell will be automatically produces the sound. Makeitcircuit makeit get your first electronics kit here at httpsamznto2acacrz once again friends i m back eith a new schoolprojects makeit this unique ir ckt for ur school project and. The working principal of the circuit doorbell is simple.
Relay module have three pins and three screw terminal. The circuit diagram is given in the endof this article. The s1 is open the circuit act as a two way doorbell. Other connections are shown in the circuit diagram. A 750 kω is connected between the oscillator pins pins 15 and 16 of the ht 12e. This simple and cost effective ding dong electronic doorbell circuit is based on ic 8021 2.
Here we can see that first 555 timer ic is configured in monostable mode means it will go high and low only once if triggered with trigger pin 2. The sound is stored in the ic as bits as in a rom. The following circuit diagram shows the circuit diagram of an automatic door bell system with the object detection. It can detect the presence of a person and then if the person is detected the door bell is automatically turned on when the person is in front of the door. Wiring diagram for a two chime doorbell. The circuit consists of an ultrasonic transmitter and receiver modules are used to detect the person.
Circuit diagram and explanation. Variable resistor rv1 is used to control the ring duration means how long will be the output pin 3 will be high. Here we are making an object sensing based touch less doorbell using infrared transceiver pair and some locally available components. Connect the input wires on the transformer to the source circuit using the black to black white to white and ground to green method. Vcc power supply input 5v. In this case circuit act as a two way doorbell with memory that is the audio alarm indicates whether the visitor is calling from the front door or from back door.
Above figure shows the circuit diagram for doorbell.