The circuit drawn pertains to a regular industrial ups uninterruptible power supply which shows how the batteries take control during an outage in electrical supply or variation beyond the normal limits of the voltage line without disruption on the operation providing a steady regulated output 5 volts by lm7805 and an unregulated supply 12 volts. Now according to the below ups connection diagram connect an extra wire phase to those appliances where we have already connected phase and neutral wires from power house db ie two wire as phase live as shown in the below fig.

Bg 1405 Powerman Ups Schematic Wiring Diagram
Ups wiring diagram pdf. Uninterrupted power supply circuit diagram types of ups. Ups uninterruptible power supply is a device used for protection against over voltage under voltage. These troubles can cause serious damage to electrical gears mostly during the production stages or critical processing of an action. Electrical power supply intrusions can come in a different forms like surges voltage dips voltage spikes and harmonics. Provide continuous supply in case of supply outage protection against voltage spikes frequency fluctuation and against distortion in voltage wave form. Ups inverter wiring diagram with auto manual changeover switch system.
Related electrical wiring tutorial. A wiring diagram usually gives counsel approximately the relative tilt and conformity of devices and terminals on the devices to urge on in building or. The circuit shows that only two rooms of the home are depends on the ups and batteries as well as main supply to maintain the uninterruptible power to the connected appliances and load such as lighting points and fans etc and the. How to connect a portable generator to the home supply 4 methods below is a given ups inverter connection and wiring diagram to the home supply. Eaton 93pm ups wiring diagram wiring diagram is a simplified good enough pictorial representation of an electrical circuitit shows the components of the circuit as simplified shapes and the skill and signal links amongst the devices.