It produces a small electrical signal which is amplified by the succeeding transistor stage. Brake light monitor 12v this tiny circuit keeps watch on brake indicator.

Clap Switch Circuit Using Transistor Pdf Switch Circuit Using
Vegakit clap switch circuit diagram. 7500 vk 123 liquid level sensor 12v cd 4093 liquid level controller wired around a single chip sense the level and alert you. The electret microphone picks up the sound of your claps coughs and the sound of that book knocked off the table. Clap switch clap switch information details on project clap switch seminor on clap switch title. Clap switch using 555 timer circuit diagram clap switch vegakit clap part switch ver clap switch with bc547 clap switch with relay clap switch with arduino clap switch with arduino and sound. Working principle of clap switch circuit is based on the above discussion. Chapter 1introduction this is a project on clap switch which can switch onoff any electrical circuit bythe sound of a clap.
Working of clap switch. In this clap switch circuit clap is acting as a pulse for the flip flop circuitfor example suppose initially output is high ie. Clap and the lamp turns on. Regarding your second question i have already given the schematic on the same page see below the clap switch page there is another schematic with the name clap switch glowing 220v bulb. Tuesday 02nd of october 2012 051334 pm last edited or replied at tuesday 02nd of august 2016 120713 pm show contents. Before you make a circuit glowing 220v bulb learn about relay otherwise it can be dangerous.
If we clap the lamp turns on and to switchit off clap again. Vegakit clap switch circuit posted by. The operation of the circuit is simple. The condenser microphone picks up the sound of your claps coughs and the sound of thatbook knocked off the table. Clap again and it turns off. G clap switch 12v transistors simple electronic switch activated by a clap can control on off fan light radio tape.
Clap switch a mini project report submitted in the partial fulfillment of degree of bachelor of technology. Vegakit clap switch circuit page link. Vegakit clap switch circuit diagram and application 123 seminar topics silent sound and technology http seminarprojects net t simple clap switch circuit diagram with project report clap switch vegakit block diagram curcuit diagram for sundown switch simple clap switch circuit 203 197 123 30 recruit appta aspx. Tech help 63999 views. The operation is simple. On state when clap sound is generated output becomes 0 and the equipment connected to the output of clap switch circuit will be in off state.
Two transistors cross connected as a bistable multivibrator change state at each signal. How to make clap switch circuitsimple clap onoff switch using 4017 iccontrol light fan by clap.