Wiring A Double Pole Switch

Double switches sometimes called double pole allow you to separately control the power being sent to multiple places from the same switch. A double pole double throw dpdt switch is a three selection electrical device in which there is one off and two on positions.

Light Switch Wiring Diagram Double Pole Coil Diagramcircuit

Light Switch Wiring Diagram Double Pole Coil Diagramcircuit

Wiring a double pole switch. A double pole switch is what you need to control a 240 volt device because 240 volt circuits have two hot wires. D ouble pole switches are usually rated at 30 amps so any appliance or equipment requiring a greater power consumption have to be connected to a disconnect. The difference between a single and double pole switch is that the latter controls two circuits at the same time. The motors two power leads are reversed at one of the switches screw terminals. A double switch allows you to operate two lights or appliances from the same location. An application for this switch is for reversing a direct current dc electrical motor.

A double pole switch such as the one in fig1 is just slightly bigger than a regular switch but constructed as two single switches harnessed side by side and activated by one common toggle. It has four terminals. Two for incoming hots and two for outgoing hots.

Gallery of Wiring A Double Pole Switch