The red wire from the feed cable is connected to the top terminal the red wire going to. Wiring a 3 way light switch.

How To Replace A One Way Light Switch With A Two Way Light Switch
Wiring up a light switch one way. Although a 3 way is one of the hardest electrical circuits to figure out its also one of the most useful. A 3 way light switch allows you to control a light source from two separate points. There are several ways to install a 3 way light switch. The methods shown here are some of the safest and most versatile though not the only options. However the actual look of the wiring in the box can vary depending on where the switches are located along the circuit run. With a pair of 3 way switches either can make or break the connection that completes the circuit to the light.
Two way switch can be operated from any of the switch independently means whatever be the position of other switchonoff you can control the light with other switch. I would have to say wiring a light switch is one of the most basic wiring projects in your home. The cable going to the light switch is connected as follows fig 2. Also included are wiring arrangements for multiple light fixtures controlled by one switch two switches on one box and a split receptacle controlled by two. Add up the wattage of the bulbs in all the fixtures the switch controls to make sure it falls within the switch rating listed on the package or instructions. Always use the correct type of cable that is rated appropriately.
Line diagram of a one way lighting circuit using in line method fig 1. The essence of the wiring configuration is for one hot feed wire entering the switch box to be split so that it feeds both switches which in turn feed hot wires in cables that lead out to two separate light fixtures. A one way light switch is quite easy to wire up. Remove any plaster debris and dust from the inside of the wall box. Wiring a 3 way light switch is certainly more complicated than that of the more common single pole switch but you can figure it out if you follow our 3 way switch wiring diagram. This page contains wiring diagrams for household light switches and includes.
Remove the existing socket or switch from the wall if replacing. Im talking just your normal run of the mill switch. No bells no whistles. Buy a single pole switch if one switch controls the lights or a three way if you have two switches controlling the same lights. One way lighting circuit using in line switching. A switch loop single pole switches light dimmer and a few choices for wiring a outlet switch combo device.
The terminal layout may vary from one socket or switch to another therefore carefully check the location of the terminal connections before wiring. I know you can get fancy with 3 way switches 4 way switches and dimmers but we can get to those later.