6 wires all the same colour same thickness plus earth says it is a 3 phase motor needing either the inverter board that was part of the washing machine or an external small 1kw inverter. The precise stator voltage amplitude is calculated based on the motor model.

Wiring Diagram Of Washing Machine Motor Washing Machine
3 phase washing machine motor wiring. Going way back to my power electronics course i remember 3 phase power and the benefits however you need a 3 phase source to run the motor. The basic washing machine motor wiring diagram is called direct drive if is connected to ac direct wire or hot wire washing machine motor is very easy just follow the wires and starting from bottom 13 stay connected and the rest 2 and 4 we gonna connect them to battery or ac source the connection is the same because is a universal motor it can. The washing machine runs off 120vac at 60 hz so theres a circuit to convert it from single to three phase which then powers the motor. The label on the motor is. Hi there i have a hotpoint washer fitted with a super silent induction motor. Washing machine motor wiring basics.
Washing machine motor wiring basics let me show you how to wire a washing machine motor the basics stuff for transform this universal motor in a washing machine motor generator no skills required. W2 cj2 ui vi wi w2 cj2 ui vi wi a cow voltage y high voltage z t4 til t12 10 til t4 t5 ali l2 t12 ti blu t2 wht t3org t4 yel t5 blk t6 gry t7 pnk t8 red t9 brk red tio curry tii grn t12 vlt z t4 til t12. Washing machine three phase ac induction motor drive rev. You will find that there are 3 sets of windings so you either connect them to the inverter in star or delta and drive it with the inverter. How to wire a 3 phase induction motor recovered from a hotpoint aqualtis aq7l washing machine. Ceset cim 255 132ad6 195 v 37 a 800 w 290 hz 17000 rpm there s a couple of things i would like to know is this motor 3phase or single phase is it an ac or dc motor and.
A little understanding of what is going on inside and also how to measure. Capacitor motor single phase wiring diagrams always use wiring diagram supplied on motor nameplate. And why not to bother. Yes the washing machine used 3 phase power. And the old miele machine of my grand parents from the 1960ies had a real 3 phase induction motor with several sets of windings for different speeds. Washing machine motor wiring basics is a tutorial on how to wire an universal motor to a dc sourcethe universal motor stands for working on dc and acyou have an old washing machine dont throw it away yet dismantle it and search for 2 main compo.
0 control algorithm overview 6 freescale semiconductor 31 motor model block the block diagram of the control algorithm figure 3 illustrates the stator vol tage amplitude evaluated by the motor model block.