By using automatic control of street lights we can save maximum amount of energy which is useful for your nation and also beneficial for you. You dont need to turn it on and turn it off again and again just turn on the circuit once and forget it will automatically manage itself by sensing the available brightness in the garden or street.

Light Activated Dark Activated Switch Circuit Diagram
Automatic street light control using arduino circuit diagram. We have tried this one in this tutorial but you can also try the second one mentioned below. Just like my previous circuit using lm358 this is also very cheapalso under 100 rupees. When we place a hand on ldrnot allowing any light on ldr arduino automatically turns on the led. Ldr is used to detect the light arduino is used to onoff the light. The circuit diagram of automatic street light based on vehicle moment and its source code im using microprocessor. This is a circuit for controlling the street lightsgarden lightsautomatically.
The following image shows the circuit diagram of the project implemented using arduino uno pir sensor and a relay module. Ldr light dependent resistor resistor 100k 1330ohm 1 led 1. Here we have used an ac bulb as street light. Relay module 5v. Because it will reduce you electricity bill and in return save your money. This circuit is very simple circuit and can be built with transistors and ldr you dont need any op amp or 555 ic to trigger the ac load.
Hard ware components required. This is a very simple circuit of automatic street light control. In this circuit we are making a light sensor using ldr with arduino to control a bulbcfl as per light condition of the room or outside area. Here based on our room condition the threshold value we took is 100 for the ldr sensor. Automatic street light control circuit diagram in this article i am going to post a very simple circuit diagram of automatic street light control using transistor and light dependent resistors. So here in this project we are going to make a simple automatic street light controller using relay and ldr.
When there is low amount of light the light automatically glows and when there is sufficient amount of light it automatically turns off the light. Automatic street light control systemsensor using ldr transistor bc 547 very simple. Arduino pir sensor tutorial circuit diagram of automatic room lights using arduino. Here we make use of ldrlight dependent resistor and ledlight emitting diode and arduino. The circuit employed here is an uncomplicated lightdark activated switch and contains a relay at its output which simply turns onoff a street light and further can be extended to control any electrical appliance in a household. For ldr basics and principles please go through the below link.
If you do not have a relay module you can make one yourself using very simple hardware.