Wiring up a brook crompton parkinson motors single phase lathe motor 3 terminals aazz does the zblue to body is this just left with only the blue from body or do i connect the body earth to it and the gy to the body and blue plug to ablack body and yraz to plug brown is this the correct please. 63 to 90l permanent capacitor output.

Single Phase Disconnect Wiring Diagram C3 Wiring Diagram
Brook crompton motor wiring diagram. On the inside of the cover was a paper sticker with the motor wiring diagram listing the terminals that needed power and which wires to change to reverse motor rotation. At crompton controls we design manufacture and distribute worldwide from our centrally based operation in the uk. Specialists in electric motor control equipment. 009kw to 22kw permanent capacitor single phase motors are used primarily in small. How do i wire my motor. Can you provide a wiring diagram for my rcbo.
Qa of the day. 71 to 100l capacitor start capacitor run frame sizes. 018kw to 30kw capacitor start capacitor run output. From standard starters components and accessories to fully customised industrial and bms control panel solutions. 012kw to 15kw capacitor start induction run output. Can you suggest where i can find a connection wiring diagram for a legrand rcbo 40a type b two module.
Brooks crompton parkinson motors had a small sheet metal cover on the motor end bell that revealed the terminals when the two screws were removed. Note that in this and most diagrams available on the internet the centrifugal switch is shown in the open position leading people to think thats how it is supposed to be wired but its kind of a mistake in the depictions. Brook crompton wiring diagram brook crompton parkinson motors wiring diagrams brook crompton motor wiring diagram brook crompton hr0910 wiring diagram brook crompton single phase wiring diagrams ikwalrep mannheimde. 21 05 2004 staying cool with brook crompton. Brook crompton motor wiring diagrams. 71 to 90 capacitor start induction run frame sizes.
Here is a wiring diagram of a capacitor start single phase motor. Im trying to wire up a motor for my myford ml7. I have used mk electric ones previously but these appear.