The wiring of direct on line control circuit starter is following. The dol starter comprises of an mccb or circuit breaker contactor and an overload relay for protection.

Sizing The Dol Motor Starter Parts Contactor Fuse Circuit
Direct online wiring diagram for three phase. The l1 contactor is connected from normally open no to r phase using mccb. The connection of contactor can be done among relay coil supply voltage as well as thermal overload. Now if you have any question then use can use the below comments section. Up tp 93 off launching official electrical technology store shop now. 230v coils are used and for three phase motors 415v coils are used. Three phase motor control and design power circuit and installation.
In the above dol starter diagram. I shown the 3 pole mccb circuit breaker 2 magnetic contactor normally open normally close push button switch thermal overload relay 3 phase 4 wire system supply 3 phase motor with connection trip indicator light etc. Dol starter control diagram three phase. In the 3 phase motor forward reverse starter wiring diagram. This is why such a starter is used with induction motors rated below 5 hp. Direct on line starter wiring diagram.
The direct online or dol starter employs full voltage or across the line starting technique where the motor is directly connected to full voltage through mccb or circuit breaker and relays for overload protection. And the normally open and normally close push button shown. Three phase and single phase. The contactor has three main no contacts and lesser power rated contacts named as auxiliary contacts no and nc used for the control circuit. Direct on line starter. The contactor connection with thermal overload relay and the motor connection with overload relay is shown.
Green and red or start and stop buttons. Then read the below article and learn from simple dol starter wiring diagram. The ryb is the three phase 380 volts supply. In which the three phase induction motor connection shown and all the direct online starter wiring shown with simple steps. A direct online starter consits of two buttons a green button for starting and a red for stopping purpose of the motor. In short this the complete guide of forward reverse starter.
I hope this three phase dol starter wiring or 3 phase motor wiring with direct online starter diagram help you. And if you learn something from the diagram then also share this post. Wiring diagram of dol starter. Note that the single phase dol starter wiring diagram is also like this. 3 phase motor contactor wiring diagram. Schematic and circuit diagram.
Motor startermagnetic contactor wiring diagramworking of dol starterdol starter hindidol starterdirect online startermotor wiringhow to wire a contactor and overload direct online. The wiring diagram for a dol stater is shown below. Direct online motor starter square d. These two buttons ie. The coil of the contactor is 380 vac.