Forward reverse star delta starter control wiring connection diagramstar delta control circuit diagram reverse forward star deltalight bulbelectronicssta. In this post you will complete learn about the forward reverse three phase motor controlling starter diagram.

Electrical Page Forward Reverse 3 Phase Ac Motor Control
Dol starter forward reverse diagram. Dol starter control diagram three phase. Reverse forward motor starter control and power circuit with diagram motor windingstar delta starterdol starterstar delta connection3 phase dol starter connection diagram direct online starter. Rdol starter consists of two contactors connecting power supply to the motor. For simplicity the plc implementation of the circuit in figure 1 includes all of the elements in the hardwired diagram even though the additional starter contacts normally closed r and f in the hardwired circuit are not required since the push button interlocking accomplishes the same task. The contactor or relay coil is a rather large inductor and when the drive current from your 24vdc plc is opened the coil inductor tries to keep the current. To run the motor of above 05 hp rating circuit has to made in star delta.
I believe your plc card is getting damaged by the reverse voltage surge when the contactor coil is turned off. Now the reverse contactor gets supply through phase r off push button f2 reverse contactor coil r1 phase y. These type of starters are used in various applications eg mixing of materials dying. The wiring of direct on line control circuit starter is following. What is dol starter. The connection of contactor can be done among relay coil supply voltage as well as thermal overload.
In the 3 phase motor forward reverse starter wiring diagram. The auxiliary contact r2 becomes no from nc therefore the motor does not run in the forward direction. Figure 2 forwardreverse motor wiring diagram. Direct on line starter wiring diagram. These forward and reverse starters are dol type and not used above the 05 hp motors. Wiring diagram of dol starter.
I shown the 3 pole mccb circuit breaker 2 magnetic contactor normally open normally close push button switch thermal overload relay 3 phase 4 wire system supply 3 phase. The l1 contactor is connected from normally open no to r phase using mccb. A dol starter or direct on line starter or across the line starter is a method of starting of a 3 phase induction motorin dol starter an induction motor is connected directly across its 3 phase supply and the dol starter applies the full line voltage to the motor terminals. The first contactor provides a phase sequence to stator of motor to produce rotation in one direction while other contactor has different phase sequence changing the di. The figure given below shows the control and power diagram of forward and reverse starter diagram. Despite this direct connection no harm is done to the motor.