Between the mains supply terminals and motor terminals the dol starter main terminals are connected and with the two terminals of the three phase power supply as described in figure 1 the control circuit is energized. As the name defines forward reverse starter is used to run the motor in both sides forward and reverse.

Forward Re Verse Control Developing A Wiring Diagram And
Forward reverse dol motor starter. The direct on line motor starter dol consist a mccb or circuit breaker contactor and an overload relay for protection. Same as for direct on line starting instead of fuses and thermal relay you can use a motor circuit breaker with thermal and magnetic trips a simple but at least as effective component. Despite this direct connection no harm is done to the motor. These forward and reverse starters are dol type and not used above the 05 hp motors. Design and construction of forward and reverse direct online motor starter abstract a direct on line starter often abbreviated dol starter is an electricalelectronic circuit composed of electro mechanical and electronic devices which are employed to start and stop an electric motor. In short this the complete guide of forward reverse starter.
The simplest form of motor starter for the induction motor is the direct on line starter. A dol starter or direct on line starter or across the line starter is a method of starting of a 3 phase induction motorin dol starter an induction motor is connected directly across its 3 phase supply and the dol starter applies the full line voltage to the motor terminals. The figure given below shows the control and power diagram of forward and reverse starter diagram. I dol starter wiring connection with start and stop buttons are shown in the above figure 1. Forward reverse direct on line dol starting motor protection with mcb with thermal and magnetic trips operating mode. The reverse contactor coil energized and three phase induction motor runs in the reverse direction.
What is dol starter. In the 3 phase motor forward reverse starter wiring diagram. Control circuit of dol starter. I shown the 3 pole mccb circuit breaker 2 magnetic contactor normally open normally close push button switch thermal overload relay 3 phase 4 wire system supply 3 phase motor with connection trip indicator light etc. Electromagnetic contactor which can be opened by the thermal overload relay under fault conditions. Hi this article keeps good knowledge about the forward reverse starter.