When we switch on the supply reaches through overload relay nc point and contactor nc point to start push button. The control circuit is connected to any two phases and energized from them only.

Reverse Forward Dol Starter Power And Control Wiring
Forward reverse starter working principle pdf. The overload contacts are connected to l1 on one side and to the plcs input module on the other input 003. Wired through your emergency stops then manual stop then start with a. Control circuit of dol starter control circuit of fully automatic starter auto transformer working and saving in copper material speed control of dc series motor. Safety this circuit has been designed with safety in mind meeting and exceeding the health and safety act 2005. Introduction this is a three phase motor control system using a low voltage control circuit and a three phase power circuit within a control panel to operate and control the direction of rotation of a three phase motor. Figure 5 forwardreverse motor wiring diagram.
The working principle of a dol starter begins with the connection to the 3 phase main with the motor. Operation and maintenance manual. When any start button is pressed supply reaches on the a1 point of the contactor and also on the no point of the contactor which takes continue the contactor in the holding position. In this video i have explain you the wiring of forward reverse starter step by step in detail and also how the forward reverse started works for 3 phase motor. In this wiring diagram both the forward and reverse coils have their returns connected to l2 and not to the overload contacts. Control circuit of forward reverse starterpdf you may also like.
Hope you have found this video easy. Your question is about the control circuit which is the wiring to the push buttons andor switches and other devices that turn on a motor and choose which direction it will run. Working of forward and reverse starter diagram. When we press the start button the current flows through contactor coil magnetizing coil and control circuit also. Forward reverse motor starter circuit क बर म जनन स पहल यह जन लन आवशयक ह क forward reverse motor क उपयग कह हत ह जब हम कह पर मटर क दन सइड घमन क आवशकत हत ह. In the event of an overload both motor starter output.