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3 Pole Lighting Contactor Wiring Diagram Wiring Diagrams
Ge lighting contactor cr460 wiring diagram. Cr460 series basic contactors accept up to 6 single or double pole power poles. Lighting contactors section 3 electrical features and benefits ges cr460 series lighting contactors deliver unprecedented versatility in application simplicity in configuration and performance in operation. These can be used to form up to. Figure 1 mechanically held contactor 1 main base 11 description. Make it easy mechanic 312310 views. Field wiring diagram vac three phase.
Lighting contactors andy lay. Lighting contactors ge systems ge lighting contactor wiring diagram schematic cr460 series revision 11 021402 cr460 series revision 11 021402 wrg 0912 4 pole lighting contactor wiring diagram. 04112018 04112018 1 comments on ge lighting contactor cr460 wiring diagram. Visit the post for more. Their revolutionary design and unique features meet most lighting control needs better than ever before. Unsubscribe from andy lay.
Choose the one thats right for you. Abbs electrification business has always been at the forefront of innovative electrification and today is writing the future of safe smart and sustainable electrification. Ge cr series lighting contactors contact position indication when button protrudes two 8 awg wires a simple kit easily converts electrically held units to mechanically held and. The abb cr460 series is a magnetically operated lighting contactor and is available in either an open or an enclosed form. Ge lighting contactor cr460 wiring diagram. Cr460 series lighting contactors ge solutions cr460 lighting contactor series user cr460 series revision 11 021402 ag 4112 wiring diagram also ge lighting contactor diagrams.
These contactors are field configurable for up to twelve poles with a maximum of eight normally closed nc poles. 3 ways to order cr460 series lighting contactors ordering the correct contactor for your application may be accomplished in any of three ways. Wire connectors duration. Lighting contactors section 3 cr460 series the ultimate in versatility simplicity and performance all cr460 series lighting contactors deliver unprecedented versatility in application simplicity in configuration and performance in operation. How to clean your air conditioner. Mechanically held contactors 347v t 460 480v 440v u 575 600v 550v y cr460 series lighting contactors the ultimate in versatility simplicity and performance quick selector 2.