I cant seem to find a good diagram for exactly what im trying to do and if i try to work it out myself my head might. Another breja toneworks diy video this time ill explain how a 3 way lever switch functions so that you know how to wire one up in your guitar.

Xf 6971 For Wiring Toggle Diagrams Switch Kcd1 5 Schematic
Hh 3 way switch wiring. Aug 15 2015 location. The switchcraft double pole 3 way switch has been the standard in gibson and other 2 pickup american guitars. For the 5 positions on the switch i needed these combinations. Hh 5 way wiring diagram discussion in other. Outside coils of both humbuckers 3. So this is designed for hard wiring my favorite five sounds for now onto a 50way switch.
Options for northsouth coil tap seriesparallel more. I plan to use dimarzio breeds and im wiring from scratch ive got half an idea are you using a 3 way switch or 5 way switch and how may pots and what. Hey guys im trying to put a fender 5 way switch on a jagmaster with two seymour duncan humbuckers 1 volume pot and 1 tone pot. Easy to read wiring diagrams for guitars basses with 2 humbuckers 3 way pickup selector switch. Notes on wiring reduce unwanted electrical noise by using shielded coaxial cable for your longer wiring runs for example the connection between the controls and the output jack. I like things simple so my preference is for a single volume and single tone control both of which i use a lot.
The idea and the plan. A few guitars set up that way using this diagram from a rg aug 15 i need to know how to wire up a dimarzio blaze neck theyve got a diagram for a 2 humbucker1 volume1 tone5 way switch which.