The test is a means to qualify a devices ability to operate safely during rated electrical conditions. Where ground continuity measures the resistance of the safety ground connection the ground bond test assures the integrity of the connection.

Leakage Current Test Chroma
Hipot test connection diagram. If a display fails the one second test method redo the test using the sixty second etl. Such a test applies a voltage to the dut that is much higher than normal operating voltage. Press the red overload reset button to over ride these warning indicators and then rotate the black raise voltage dial back to 0 zero start to reset for another hi pot test. Dc hipot test at test start there will be inrush current. Hipot test is the most common type of electrical safety test. Designed to verify that the insulation of a product is adequate enough to withstand high voltage.
Hipot test is the opposite of a continuity test. The test voltage will disengage and the tester will emit a continuous beep. With its 4 foot leads the accessory offers easy hipot and continuity test connection of corded products. A dielectric withstand test or high potential or hipot test is an electrical test performed on a component or product to determine the effectiveness of its insulationthe test may be between mutually insulated sections of a part or energized parts and electrical ground. Hipot test user manual. Once the insulation is charged full test potential the leakage current drops off to near zero ma.
Hipot test makes surety of no current will flow from one point to another point. A hipot test can be very useful in helping you develop a process that builds high quality cables and wire harnesses. This page introduces some of the concepts youll find in ac hipot testing on the easy wire ch2. Using the same test setup a high current is passed through the circuit. Hipot testing involves using a high potential voltage to test insulation. These features are used with a dc hipot or ir test.
The pilot should refer to the manual wiring of figure 1 or the relevant test transformer connection diagram should be a good grounding terminal hereinafter as the voltage test as an example. A dielectric strength test commonly called a hipot test dielectric withstand or high potential is a stress test of the insulation of a device under test dut. Continuity test checks surety of current flows easily from one point to another point while hipot test checks surety of current would not flow from one point to another point and turn up the voltage really high just to make sure no current will flow. There are two popular hipot voltage sources. Hipot dielectric strength test. Conne cted power supply box type for socket type power supply desktop power.
Due to the nature of a dc withstand test setting high and low leakage limits can prove difficult. Typically 1000v ac plus twice the normal operating voltage. Performed by stressing the insulation of the product far. The hipot test the dielectric voltage withstand test is commonly known as the hipot test.