Would this arrangement comply with bs7671. Wiring a socket correctly in a final ring circuit or ring main.

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Kitchen ring main wiring diagram. Please observe the wiring diagram above. This often involves adding electrical circuits and adding gfci andor afci protection. Ring main wiring. There is nothing to say a kitchen should have a dedicated final ring or any sub main however it does say ring final circuit arrangements regulation 43315 the load current in any part of the circuit should be unlikely to exceed for long periods the current carrying capacity of the cable regulation 43315 refers. The kitchen may have a large number of electrical appliances so a separate ring circuit for the kitchen may also worthwhile this has the added benefit that a freezer will not be affected if there is a fault elsewhere. During new construction or major kitchen remodeling the building code will likely require that you bring both the plumbing and wiring systems into alignment with the current code requirements.
They are not so common in the uk but are used extensively abroad as the ring main or final ring circuit does have its drawbacks. The other type of circuit used to power your home is a radial circuit. It goes around the house or a room and connects to all the sockets and fused connection units fcus required to be on the ring main circuit. As you can see the circuit starts and ends at the consumer unit. In electricity supply design a ring final circuit or ring circuit often incorrectly called a ring main a term used historically or informally a ring is an electrical wiring technique developed and primarily used in the united kingdomthis design enables the use of smaller diameter wire than would be used in a radial circuit of equivalent total current. Assuming all actual wiring is done to bs7671 grommets safe zones cpc sleeving etc.
A single ring circuit should serve a floor area no greater than 100sq m or 120sq yd. Kitchen wiring in newer or remodeled kitchens. Say for arguments sake you have a kitchen ring which is 30m2 serving 4 double sockets evenly spaced and then on that same ring you have a grid switched with 6x fused spurs feeding each appliance from single sockets. Kitchen ring main wiring diagram wiring diagram is a simplified conventional pictorial representation of an electrical circuitit shows the components of the circuit as simplified shapes and the faculty and signal contacts amid the devices.