The bulb remains off ie. And then the inputs are connected to power through a button.

Nand gate switch circuit diagram. Output is 0 when either switch a or switch b or both are open. If any input is low 0 a high 1 output results. Thus its output is complement to that of an and gatea low 0 output results only if all the inputs to the gate are high 1. And gate and or gate are simple light bubs switch circuits with 1 switch per input. In this circuit we will build a touch on off switch circuit using a 4011 nand gate chip. To produce and gate using nand gate the output of the nand gate is connected to the not gate made from nand gate by joining the two inputs as shown in fig.
A 2 input and gate has the switches in series so both switch have to be on for. This streamlines diagrams that include huge amounts of logic gates to work with. Load it is normally feasible to employ a relayless circuit. A nand gate is a universal gate meaning that any other gate can be represented as a combination of nand gates. When we touch the touch wire the led turns on. In digital electronics a nand gate not and is a logic gate which produces an output which is false only if all its inputs are true.
The enable signal could be a pulse from the manual clock circuit explained previously. A 2 input gate will have 2 switches for inputs and 1 light representing the output. In this nand gate circuit diagram we are going to pull down both input of a gate to ground through a 1kω resistor. And gate using nand gate. The nand gate chip circuit will function as a flip flop. Since a nand gate is equivalent to an and gate followed by a not gate joining the inputs of a nand gate leaves only the not gate.
If both of the inputs are high both of the transistors will conduct through their collector emitter paths. After being set to q1 by the low pulse at s nand gate function the restored normal value s1 is consistent witht the q1 state so it is stableanother negative pulse on s gives which does not switch the flip flop so it ignores further input. So with two buttons we can realize the truth table of nand gate. How to build a touch on off circuit with a 4011 nand gate chip. And if we touch it again the led turns off. Just like the above circuit a simple light detector circuit diagram this circuit can be developed as a darkness detector by swooping over vr1 and pcc1 5 automatic parking light in applications where a light switch is to be employed to function a low voltage dc.
A nand gate is made using transistors and junction diodes. The diagram above only denotes a logic circuit yet can be quickly converted into a circuit diagram. A nand gate circuit is almost identical to an and gate circuit. The only difference is that instead of connecting the output to the emitter of the second transistor the output is obtained before the collector of the first transistor. So when the button is pressed the corresponding pin of gate goes high. Nand gate touch switch circuit.
A not gate is made by joining the inputs of a nand gate together.