Two way switching means having two or more switches in different locations to control one lamp. Wiring a 3 way light switch.

Wiring Diagram Two Way Light Switch Wiring Diagram Source
Two way switch one lamp connection. A variation of the above three way and 2 way switch wiring is to bring all of the cables into one wall switch box as depicted in the diagram below and branch off from there to each switch and light fixture. Two way switch can be operated from any of the switch independently means whatever be the position of other switchonoff you can control the light with other switch. To construct this setup we need 2 two way switches here common terminal on one switch is connected with phase line and another switch common terminal connected to the lamp load always prefer switch connection in the phase line. Controlling a lamp by single way switch in today basic home electrical wiring installation tutorial we will show how to wire a light switch to control a light point by one way or single way switch. The most common use of 2 way switching connection is staircase wiring where a light point can be controlled from two three or even many locations. With a pair of 3 way switches either can make or break the connection that completes the circuit to the light.
The circuit of controlling lamp from two way switch is simple in this connection we use two way switches for this first of all connect the neutral wire to the lamp or bulb socket and then connect the phase or line wire to the common terminal of the first two way switch the do connection between the other terminals of first and 2nd switch. Two way switching connection is used to control electrical appliances and equipment like fan lighting points etc from different places by using 2 way switches. The line and load are brought into one 3 way switch electrical box. Way terminals of each switch is connected with each other neutral line is directly connected to the lamp load. Two way switch connection with fan regulator in hindi yk electrical duration. Wiring a 3 way light switch is certainly more complicated than that of the more common single pole switch but you can figure it out if you follow our 3 way switch wiring diagram.
You have an incoming hot wire black going to one screw it does not matter if you use the brass or silver screw on the side of the 2 way switch and a black wire from the other screw on the 2 way switch going to the load light ceiling fan etc. We will use the basic spst single pole single through switch in this tutorial to control a lamp bulb from single location. There are two methods of making 2 way switching connection one is 2 wire control and another is 3 wire control. Notice the black wire is the only wire that we are controlling through the 2 way switch.