One is to create a tapped resistor ladder which is not much different from a normal potentiometer the other is so change the resistance of the two track sections such that the total resistance remains constant. And certainly the most enjoyable part of any decent audio gear you can tell a lot about an amplifier or dac by the texture and rotation quality of its primary enloudenerbut theres no reas.

Simple Audio Tone Control Circuit Diagram
Volume control circuit diagram. In this particular circuit push to on switch s1 controls the forward volume enhance operation of the two channels while a identical switch s2 controls reverse. The total resistance is 15kω. This is a building on the last project which we constructed a speaker and connected it to a 35mm jack for it to work and play out sounds from a computer cd player or any standard audio device with a speaker jack. Remote and touch volume control circuit by mc3340p. Now lets design a 10 watt audio amplifier circuit. This circuit could possibly be applied for upgrading your manual volume management within a stereo amplifier circuit.
How to build a speaker circuit with adjustable volume. If you are tired of adjusting the volume with a normal volume. To increase or decrease the volume of the amplifier the. Remote and touch volume control circuit using mc3340p. Hii friend today i am going to make a circuit of volume bass and treblethis circuit will control the volume of amplifier and bass and it will also control the treble of the amplifierthis circuit will be only for single channel audio amplifierthis circuit i will use in 6283 ic single channel audio amplifier boardas we learnt the wiring of 6283 ic amplifier board in previous blog. Diy external volume control.
Because the 1kω has been connected between every input and output the multiplexer can act like a potentiometer. The heart of this digital volume controller dvc circuit is ic2 4067 16 channel analog multiplexer. I suggest this is the remote and touch volume controls circuit. A digital volume control circuit diagram using ds 1669 a potentiometer icthis can be used as a digital volume controller for audio amplifiers and other applications. Now you can control the bass treble and volume by rotating three potentiometer on the circuit. Arguably the best kind of knob.
Basically there are two methods for making an electronic potentiometer. You can adjust the volume by pressing the touch. Digital volume control circuit diagram. Circuit description and working of 10 watt audio amplifier circuit with volume control. The circuit of 10 watt audio amplifier is shown in figure 1 designed around amplifier ic lm1875 and few other passive components like resistor capacitor variable resistor and loudspeaker. Here is the circuit diagram of stereo digital volume control.
To operate the circuit connect the components as per the circuit diagram give 15v and 15v supply to tl072 opamp and give audio input from mobile by connecting 35 mm audio jack to the circuit.