The same wiring connection is completed with the. Why 3 phase ac instead of single phase.

Motor Starter Wiring Diagram Template
Wiring diagram for forward reverse contactor. Forward and reverse motor conrol. How to change rotation of a three phase electric motor. In the above one phase motor wiring i first connect a 2 pole circuit breaker and after that i connect the supply to motor starter and then i do cont actor coil wiring with normally close push button switch and normally open push button switch and in last i do connection between capacitor. Single phase reversing contactor wiring diagram. Here connect the 3 phase supply to the over load relay same as input to run the motor in forward direction but in case of the reverse contactor we have to reverse one phase for the reversing of direction of motor as shown in the diagram. From the forward push switch the touch current supply goes to 2nd contactor nc auxiliary contacts and from the auxiliary contacts the wire goes to the primary magnetic contactor no auxiliary contacts terminal and coil a2 terminal as shown within the above forward reverse control diagram.
From the forward push button switch the touch current supply goes to 2nd contactor nc auxiliary contacts and from the auxiliary contacts the wire goes to the first magnetic contactor no auxiliary contacts terminal and coil a2 terminal as shown in the above forward reverse motor control diagram. One of them contactor is forward contactor and other is reverse contactor. More electrical tips and diagrams wwwaboutelectricitycouk like subscribe and dont skip the ads. Reverse forward motor starter control and power circuit with diagram motor windingstar delta starterdol starterstar delta connection3 phase dol starter connection diagram direct online starter.