Wiring Up A 4 Way Switch

Two terminalpoles are labeled in and two are labeled out pairs of wires called travelers will connect to each side. 4 way switch wiring with four switches.

Multiway Switching Wikipedia

Multiway Switching Wikipedia

Wiring up a 4 way switch. As you will see most 4 way switch wiring is placed between the wiring of two 3 way switches therefore a 4way switch is installed with two 3way. 4 way switch wiring 4 way switches provide switching from three or more locations. I have a few of the most common ways in wiring a 4 way switch to help you with your basic home wiring projects. Here two 4 way and two 3 way switches are used to control lights from four different locations. A 4 way switch wiring diagram is the clearest and easiest way to wire that pesky 4 way switch. The new switch has 4 terminals two on either side top and bottom.

Buy a single pole switch if one switch controls the lights or a three way if you have two switches controlling the same lights. With a pair of 3 way switches either can make or break the connection that completes the circuit to the light. This is how the circuit is structured. All that is required is wiring a 4 way switch between the 2 3 way switches. Add up the wattage of the bulbs in all the fixtures the switch controls to make sure it falls within the switch rating listed on the package or instructions. My old 4 way light switch broke so i bought a new switch and i am trying to connect the wires.

A 4 way switch has 4 terminals or poles. If more than three switches are needed simply place more 4 way switches between the three way switches. Ok assuming you are all caught up on the 3 way concept we will continue by making a 3 way circuit into a 4 way circuit. Wiring a 3 way light switch is certainly more complicated than that of the more common single pole switch but you can figure it out if you follow our 3 way switch wiring diagram. Now dont let this be confused with where the switches are physically located in your home. Study the 4 way switch and the manufacturers directions.

Guide to wiring a 4 way switch electrical question. My old switch has two on top two on bottom. When the switch is operated current will either travel straight through or crisscross. T2 from that switch is wired to t1 on the second 4way and t2 connects to the travelers on sw2. The two 4 ways are located between the two 3 ways and the traveler wires run from sw1 to t1 on the first 4 way. Wiring a 3 way light switch.

Gallery of Wiring Up A 4 Way Switch