With a pair of 3 way switches either can make or break the connection that completes the circuit to the light. 3 way switch wiring with light first.

How To Wire A Three Way Light Switch With A Diagram Ehow
3 way switch with 3 lights diagram. Pick the diagram that is most like the scenario you are in and see if you can wire your switch. See alternate 3 way switch wiring configuration for another way 3 way switches may be wired. 3 way switch wiring diagram depicting all wires in the ceiling junction box. 3 way switch wiring diagram. If you intend to add multiple lights with a 3 way switch use the 3 way switch for multiple lights diagram. It is true that there are several wiring configurations for wiring 3 way light switches and all of the wiring configurations will depend on where the incoming circuit power is located and once that is identified the rest of the three way wiring connections are straight forward.
With these diagrams below it will take the guess work out of wiring. Two wire cable runs from the light to sw1 and 3 wire cable runs between sw1 and sw2. 3 way switch diagrams for multiple light fixtures. In the above 3 way switch wiring diagram at each switch the black wire gets connected to the copper or black screw. Wiring a 3 way light switch. Wiring a 3 way light switch is certainly more complicated than that of the more common single pole switch but you can figure it out if you follow our 3 way switch wiring diagram.
In this diagram the source for the circuit is at the light fixture and the two switches come after. Take a closer look at a 3 way switch wiring diagram. The ground wire is pigtailed with a wire connector at the switch boxes and the ceiling box. The diagrams below show the conventional wiring for 3 way switches. In this light switch wiring diagram the power feed joins the circuit via the light fixture where a two wire cable c2 runs from the light to the first 3 way switch sw1 and a 3 wire cable c3 joins the two switches. If you have any problems with these switches it may be best to call an electrician.
The steps above describe installing a 3 way switch and provide a 3 way switch diagram utilizing one light fixture. Fixture between two three way switches. Unfortunately not all 3 way switches are wired the conventional way. In the ceiling light fixture electrical box one black wire from a 3 way switch gets connected to the black load wire on the light fixture. Wiring multiple lights on a 3 way switch. This might seem intimidating but it does not have to be.
Power through switch light is controlled by two three way switches with the light between the switches and the power first going through a switch then to the light and onto the second three way switch.