Main control panel class 1 fi eld wiring terminal con. Chiller pin 1 4 yvwa vsd frame size pin 11.

Digital Temperature Controller Panel Ac Oil Chiller Subzero
Chiller control panel wiring diagram. Internal power and control wiring is neatly routed adequately anchored and all wires identified with cable markers as per standards applicable to hvac industry. Example of chiller control panel the control panel design is equivalent to nema 4 ip55 with hinged door for easy access ensuring dust and weatherproof construction. To help illustrate the differences between wiring diagrams and schematics a basic control circuit will first be explained as a schematic and then shown as a wiring diagram. A wiring diagram is used to represent how the circuit generally appears. Package a c control wiring diagram in hindi. The numbers along the right side in di cate the line num ber location of relay contacts.
We can use this interlock wiring diagram split package chiller and water cooled package very useful. Amf pannel automatic generator panel. Remote starter to chiller motor junction box t1 through t6 starter to ucp 120vac control wiring starter to ucp 120vac control wiring unit control panel terminations 120vac power supply from starter to ucp 2x1 1 1 2x1 2 2x1 20ground 1x1 1 1x1 12 1x1 18 ground 8 gauge minimum 40 amps circuit high pressure cutout to starter 2x1 4 1x1 4 14 ga. An un der lined con tact lo ca tion signi fi es a normally closed con tact. Wiring con nec tions. The red emergency button switch is located on the bottom front of the control panel door.
Numbers along the left side of diagram are line iden ti fi ca tion numbers. Control panel layout figure 1 control panel components notes. Water pump and cooling fan are the customers equipment referenced only as wiring here. The emergency switch relay de energizes circuit 1 2 and 3 control power when activated causing an immediate compressor and fan shutdown. Figure 4 control wiring connection diagram. Control wiring and input power wiring out the vsdcontrol panel by the customer.