You can say wireless remote controlled switch circuit for on off appliance. Remember that time when your were watching your favourite movie on tv and you wanted to switch offon lights or fan but were too lazy to get updont worry we have a solution for youthis project is about controlling your room lights andor fan.

Ir Remote Control For Home Appliances Full Circuit With
Control fan and light using tv remote circuit diagram. Normally we use remote controls to turn on or off appliances like tv dvd player music. Remote controlled on off switch circuit diagram. The main function of this remote control switch is to control any load like tv fan radio light etc. Receiver circuit is connected to ac appliance via relay so that we can control the light remotely. The appliance can now be controlled by a remote control working at the designated frequency. Remote controlled light switch is an application where a remote is used to turn on or off an ac light.
In this circuit there is only one switch to operate the transmitter. We used a simple remote and tsop 1738 ir receiver at the transmitter and receiver side of the circuit. We have used ic 4017 to convert it into a push on push off switch. The 38khz infrared ir rays generated by the remote control are received by ir receiver module tsop1738 of the circuit. You can make the circuit as per the schematic on any general purpose pcb. Block diagram of infrared remote control switch.
By using this switch one can switch on or off the tv radio and home appliances. To ease your job we are giving the pcb layouts too so that you can make the pcb at your home using the etching methodyou may also have the pcbs made from any fabrication house too. In this remote controlled switch circuit we are using tv remote to onoff the ac light by pressing any button of remote and using the tsop1738 at receiver end. Remote control for home appliances. Motjpg cd4017 ic 1 k resistor 47 k resistor 7805 ic bd139 transistor bc557 transistor ir sensor tv remote 100 watt bulb 12 volt relay leds diagram link htt. In this circuit we are using one switch for operating the transmitter with this we can switch on or off the tv motor radio or any other home appliances.
The main function of this remote control switch is to control any load tv radio stereo fan light etc. This home made ir infrared remote control circuit is very easy to construct and can control appliance. The circuit can be activated from up to 10 metres. Tv remote controlled light and fan. This is ir remote controlled switch circuit diagram for lightfan. By adding an extra circuitry to the actual remote the control circuit can even be used.
Construction of remote controlled fan regulator.