Homopolar motors we can use this to create something useful and fun. Homopolar indicates that the electrical polarity of the conductor and the magnetic field poles do not change ie the electricity is flowing in the same direction all the time.

Homopolar Motor 1 Physics Lens
Homopolar motor diagram. To create a heart or spiral you will have to fiddle with your copper wire and make. However they illustrate the principles nicely and a homopolar motor is both easy to make and easy to understand. They were first invented in the 1800s and have no significant practical application today but can be useful for the demonstration or understanding of how electrical currents and motors work. Its operation was demonstrated by michael faraday in 1821 at the royal institution in london. Building your own homopolar motor is fun and easy but does require caution. Pause and follow the simple diagram instructions the video to create the copper wire part of the homopolar motor.
This device is easy to create and the figure below illustrates the basic concepts behind its operation. A homopolar motor is a simple electric motor with two magnetic poles. The electricity will cause the. Simple motor car simple motorbike. The diagram above shows a mobile charge. A homopolar motor is a direct current electric motor with two magnetic poles the conductors of which always cut unidirectional lines of magnetic flux by rotating a conductor around a fixed.
Unfortunately you will never generate enough power from a homopolar motor to power any domestic appliances but they are great fun to make and really useful for demonstrating the effects of electromagnetism and how electric motors work. Homopolar motors and generators are simpler than their multipolar cousins see electric motors and generators but are very rarely used in practice. Its operation was demonstrated by michael faraday in 1821 at the royal institution in london. How to make a simple homopolar motor. Homopolar motor homopolar generator. A simple version of the homopolar motor almost guaranteed to work comes from.
In 1821 soon after the danish physicist and chemist hans christian ørsted discovered the phenomenon of electromagnetism humphry davy and british scientist william hyde wollaston tried but failed to design an electric motor. What is a homopolar motor used for. I also want to learn about magnetic fields and how they work with homopolar motors. Homopolar motor was the first electrical motor to be built. The homopolar motor was the first electrical motor to be built. My goal of this project is to learn about homopolar motors.
Simple motor experimen simple motorcycle. In truth they arent that practical at all. A permanent magnet is attached to one terminal of a dc power supply in this case a aaa battery. To make homopolar motor youll need wire a battery and neodymium magnets. I hope to create a motor using only a battery a wire and a magnet. A homopolar motor is a direct current dc electric motor which produces constant circular motion.